Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm late, but I made it!

Hola everybody!
Sorry for being out of the loop for a while. I decided to take on a 9 to 5 temp job so I could make a little bit of extra $$$ to help out the business. It sucks because there is not much energy and time left for my creations, but what is another 2, 3 weeks gonna change in my life?

With that said...I haven't been checking my Twitter account very often. There is not much going on in my "Corporate America" life, and I don't want to just post uninteresting things such as "I just answered the phone and served coffee to this super rich guy".Nah!

But it just happened that I wasn't doing anything or feeling inspired, so I decided to check Twitter to see what's going on outside my cubicle these days.
I'm so glad I did because I then found out about The Score! swap in Brooklyn.(Score! is a roving pop-up free store). You basically join their e-mail list, gather stuff that you don't want anymore, drop it off when you come in, and grab as much as you can carry with you!
It was insane!!! What a great event!
The goodies kept pouring in and I didn't wanna leave. The entrance for 3 bucks (with rsvp) was the best money I've ever spent. I wish I had arrived there earlier so I could still grab some of Etsy's goodies. But I scored two amazing books I've been wanting to read for a long time and a vintage night gown that were worth the walk on a 90 degree day.

To join their e-mail list go to

Also, one of my favorite blogs is in need of our help. She needs lots and lots of comments on her post. (And she's giving away amazing goodies). So, please "let's help the sister out"!

Till next time,


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